Expanding access to jobs through technology.

Kes 36,400

Total Contributions made.


Jobs since July, 2022

Support Online Jobs Connect.


Why Support Online Jobs Connect...

To cover costs of running & maintaining the platform including server & hosting, development, marketing, legal, staffing, R&D, community management, and payment gateway.

By ensuring platform remains functional, secure, & up-to-date, attracting Employees & Employers, and investing in R&D and community management.

Visit our support page and make a donation. Any amount is appreciated.

By allowing us to invest in new functional features, expand to new job markets, and enhance user experience.

Depends on your country's laws. Consult a tax professional or check with us.

Yes, you can specify if you would like your monetary support to go towards a specific area of the platform, such as technical development or community management. Please let us know when making your donation.

We will regularly provide updates on how monetary support is being used and the impact it is having on the platform. You can also contact us at any time to request more information.

We understand that sometimes plans change, so if you need to cancel or request a refund for your monetary support, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
We are proud to be creating better lives for 500+ youths.
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Nairobi, Kenya

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+254 789 162 893

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